Phospho-RIP (Ser321) (E9K2A) Rabbit mAb #38662
- WB
- IF
- F
Supporting Data
SENSITIVITY | Endogenous |
MW (kDa) | 78 |
Source/Isotype | Rabbit IgG |
Application Key:
- WB-Western Blotting
- IF-Immunofluorescence
- F-Flow Cytometry
Species Cross-Reactivity Key:
- M-Mouse
Product Information
Product Usage Information
Application | Dilution |
Western Blotting | 1:1000 |
Immunofluorescence (Immunocytochemistry) | 1:400 - 1:800 |
Flow Cytometry (Fixed/Permeabilized) | 1:1600 |
For a carrier free (BSA and azide free) version of this product see product #33527.
Specificity / Sensitivity
Species Reactivity:
Source / Purification
Necroptosis, a regulated pathway for necrotic cell death, is triggered by a number of inflammatory signals, including cytokines in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, pathogen sensors such as toll-like receptors (TLRs), and ischemic injury (9,10). The process is negatively regulated by caspases and is initiated through a complex containing the RIP and RIP3 kinases, typically referred to as the necrosome. Necroptosis is inhibited by a small molecule inhibitor of RIP, necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) (11). Research studies show that necroptosis contributes to a number of pathological conditions, and Nec-1 has been shown to provide neuroprotection in models such as ischemic brain injury (12). RIP is phosphorylated at several sites within the kinase domain that are sensitive to Nec-1, including Ser14, Ser15, Ser161, and Ser166 (13).
RIP is also phosphorylated at Ser321(mouse)/Ser320(human) by MAPKAPK-2 (MK-2) and TAK1 in response to inflammatory signals such as TNF-α and LPS (14-17). Phosphorylation at this site suppresses RIP mediated apoptosis by inhibiting its interaction with FADD and caspase-8 (14-17).
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