FastScan™ Androgen Receptor (AR-V7 Specific) ELISA Kit #93577
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Supporting Data
Application Key:
Species Cross-Reactivity Key:
- H-Human
Product Information
Product Description
*Antibodies in this kit are custom formulations specific to kit.
Specificity / Sensitivity
Species Reactivity:
The AR3 or AR-V7 isoform, which lacks the typical ligand binding domain, is created through the alternative splicing of cryptic exons (4-5). AR-V7 is frequently expressed in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and while dependent on the activity of the full-length androgen receptor (AR-FL), AR-V7 can activate a completely distinct transcriptional program (6-8). While enzalutamide and abiraterone have been beneficial in treating CRPC through the ligand binding domain of AR-FL, resistance in patients has been shown to be associated with AR-V7 detection in circulating tumor cells (9-12). Studies probing into mechanisms of overcoming this resistance are currently being explored and may help in stratifying patient populations for more personalized therapies (13-15).
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