PTMScan® Anti-Biotin Kit #41343
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This product is intended for peptide enrichment and mass spectrometry analysis. To learn more about our Proteomics Kits and Services please answer a few questions for our Proteomics group.
Product Information
Product Description
PTMScan® Technology employs a proprietary methodology from Cell Signaling Technology (CST) for peptide enrichment by immunoprecipitation using a specific bead-conjugated antibody in conjunction with liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for quantitative profiling of post-translational modification (PTM) sites in cellular proteins. These include phosphorylation (PhosphoScan®), ubiquitination (UbiScan®), acetylation (AcetylScan®), and methylation (MethylScan®), among others. PTMScan® Technology enables researchers to isolate, identify, and quantitate large numbers of post-translationally modified cellular peptides with a high degree of specificity and sensitivity, providing a global overview of PTMs in cell and tissue samples without preconceived biases about where these modified sites occur (1). For more information on PTMScan® Proteomics Services, please visit
New assays have been developed that improve elucidation of protein subcellular context, localization, and protein-protein interactions. These new cellular assays utilize biotin ligase or engineered ascorbate peroxidase (APEX) fusion proteins that are able to biotinylate nearby protein targets within specific cellular compartments. This type of biotin proximity assay can provide improved information about subcellular localization, multi-subunit components, and recruitment of unknown targets. Using CST's in house developed anti-biotin rabbit monoclonal antibody; we have developed a robust procedure for immunoaffinity enrichment followed by mass spectrometry analysis using CST’s proprietary PTMScan(R) protocols. This allows for identification of biotinylated targets and investigation of new protein interactions. This assay provides rich data for these types of biotin proximity assays such as the APEX (6,7) engineered cell system and other related methods.
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- Paek, J. et al. (2017) Cell 169, 338-349.e11.
- Hung, V. et al. (2016) Nat Protoc 11, 456-75.
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